Last days my older son, almost 5 year old, was really intense, active and difficult. I was “relieved” when I got in my hands this small and funny book. “Sons!handbook for mothers “, written by Gerard Janssen, only in Dutch.
1. Boys use aggressive behaviour to show domination and find position in a group.
2.They are active, they love competitions, and pushing limits.
3 Great things to do: let’s hit something! Let’s throw things from high! Squeeze it with big preassure! Explode something! Let’s burn something! Let's set something on fire!
4. Frustrations and anger are fast rising into the limits and rapidly go down (girls have to work more with it, and second day they will still be upset, while boys will already forget about it)
4: Frendship between boys is different: a kick in the bottom means often „I like you a lot”.
5. Do something together! Then we will become friends!
6. There are things which you do not want as a mother...but you want as a son.
So lets put special glasses and try understand the boyhood. Good luck!