Wednesday 27 February 2013

Children's Room styling on Pinterest

I joined the Pinterest few months ago ( for the ones which are not familiar with it, I can simply say it is a big internet mood board , where you can collect interesting pictures and select them by subjects) What I like is that Pinterest add automatically link to a original source of the picture, so I can always find things back! If I will pin properly of course. Almost 3.000 people are following me out there! This really surprise me because I'm on Pinterest every now and then.  My board : " Children's Room styling is the most popular one.  
Today few of my  recently " PIN " rooms ;-) 

photo's via : 1 / 2 / 3 

Tuesday 26 February 2013

studio update

Slowly we are working on our future studio..... 
I find it a bit difficult to run a family life & work and now add extra time to be there. Last weekend part of the ceiling has been removed. The space got immediately so much light! We like it so much! 
I wish Spring will come soon and give us more  warm days and extra energy. 

Sunday 24 February 2013

ADO speelgoed & Ko Verzuu

my busy boys….

For a long time I haven't seen such a magnificent exhibition! 
The wooden toys are wonderful, the space welcome so well children, they can do toys by themselves and can play with them too. The ADO speelgood ( toys) first catalog is from 1932 ! Can you imagine ? They are so modern! All ADO toys were made in Tuberculosis Sanatorium, in Berg en Bosch, close by Apeldoorn. The patients, instead of going on walks, spend four hours per day working - if possible at they own job. Ko Verzuu, was appointed head of men's work therapy. Father of 11 children! Like you can imagine, they tested and played with all prototypes. Ko Verzuu brought to a Dutch market something very unique. ADO original toys are not in production any more and become collectors items ….4 of us like them so much! 

You can see the exibision here : Tentoonstellingen - Coda Museum - AdoSpeelgoed 
I highly recommend it ;-) 

Friday 22 February 2013


Do you know already the cool products from New York City producer AREAWARE
Today I want to show you some items for children. I will simply say : it is a great design with a good sense of humor .  " We wish to create a forum for young and local talent and together, we hope to become a strong voice for American design."  I really like the wooden animals designed by Karl Zahn and the pillows from Ross Menuez make me smile. 

I wish you a great week end. 

Wooden animals : Karl Zahn -  available in NL at orphansocks

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Inspiration - wood and white

I came across this beautiful styling photo's last night and they give me such a nice feeling of rest. 
Wood and white, no contrast, no screaming…..

Photo's are made by Dennis Brandsma - styling Femke Pastijn 
for  101 Woonideeën via: femkepastijn

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Rafa-kids furniture for kids in colors - coming soon

We are so exited to tell you, that soon our Rafa-kids set of F&R beds 
are going to be available in two new colors : white wash and dark chocolate. 

We like a lot the pure birch color but we think its great to give some more option for people which are not such a big lovers of natural wood color. I do like the dark bed a lot, I could even do the black one, the graphic lines of the beds are becoming so visual and strong. The white version is more delicate and elegant. We will use stain so the wood texture remains visible.  I will be happy to hear your opinion!  I think both beds are getting something extra with the colors, and I hope people will like it, as much as we do.  

Please contact us, if you would like to now more about the availability at 

The photo session for the beds is planed in our new studio in Spring , yeeee! 

Friday 15 February 2013

Object Rotterdam 2013

Last weekend I visited Object Rotterdam, which is an small fair dedicated to design.  
" The fair is a platform for the latest limited editions and one-offs from well-known and upcoming designers working in different design disciplines and various materials."  Today few of my favorite for you.

I wish you a nice week end.
I'm going to see exhibition at Kunsthal Rotterdam and other one, very special... 
 I will tell you more about it next week ;-) 

Thursday 14 February 2013

Rafa-kids at ELLE Decoration

Yesterday morning I ran to a local store to pick up new ELLE DECORATION 1/2013

What a great surprise to find this very beautiful styling article made by Mirella Sahetapy! I haven't seen this picture before!  It is so interesting to discover Rafa-kids beds through photographer's eye. I have liked work of Mirella Sahetapy already for some time, so its a honor to got this photo made by her. 

The article title is " All day sweet ", 
very original way of looking at children products and the chosen colors are just stunning for me. 
Do you like it ? 

 " Quiet pastels and natural tones, with just enough color to make it exciting - 
the new generation of children's furniture does not like screamy fuss" .

Rafa - kids beds at ELLE DECORATION 1/2013 styling/photography Mirella Sahetapy