Monday, 26 June 2017

Monday Blues

modern Blue in kids rooms
Blue in kids rooms
Blue in kids rooms
Blue in kids rooms
Blue in kids rooms

Can you imagine that all the children's rooms and pictures I selected below are from different brands, countries and created by different people? They look so incredibly familiar, right? That’s what we call a trend.  I can definitely see these contemporary Grey-Blue hues all around children's rooms at the moment. Baby Blue color is also very popular and I talked a bit about it here. I personally really like the combination of blue tones with natural wood elements, which gives this very modern color combination a nice cozy feeling. As you can see all the rooms are decorated with very similar color pallet, without any contrast or accents, which create a sophisticated, restful environment for children. 

The last weeks I took a small break from blogging,  but I really miss it and would like to come back to my old rhythm and sharing with you much more inspiration. I will try to do my best. 
I wish you a good new week. 

lamps for kids room
nursery room with blue and pink
toddler room in modern blue
cam cam copenhagen
modern working corner for kids

Thank you for inspiration,
picture credits: 1 & 2 & 3 - 4 &5 - 6&7 - 8 - 9 -10