Monday, 26 August 2013


Happily we can still enjoy the last days of summer and a nice weather here. 
I have already started to look for some warm plaids and pillows for our house and Zilalila is one of my favorite brands since a long time. I was so happy to see their new photo session with kids involved. This great brand connects fair trade production with an artistic touch and beauty.  Sam IJsbrany and Anita Bokos are the creative duo standing behind it. Based in The Netherlands and all the products are made by women in Nepal. 

" ...One of the Zilalila production units has over 240 producers,
 benefitting over 2500 family and local community members.
The producers receive a steady income, health care & insurance, and low interest loans. Their children get free primary education and higher secondary school is sponsored for those unable to afford further education...."