Friday, 24 July 2015

little break

I hope many of you already enjoy the holiday months …
Rafa-kids was working till now and prepared so many exiting things for you for the coming season. 
One of them will be a launch of a new Rafa-kids’ designs 

but first a little summer break with family and friends…

See you soon. 

photo © Paulina Arcklin | Zilalila Patch beanbag

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Rafa-kids NEW > LOOKBOOK no.1

Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis
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Rafa-kids NEW > LOOKBOOK no.1
Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis/photos Rafa-kids
Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis/photos Rafa-kids

We are pleased to present our NEW > Rafa-kids > LOOKBOOK NO.1 
made in collaboration with an illustrator an graphic designer Asia Gwis /kawkadesign

For a long time we dreamed of having Rafa-kids’ small online book where we can present whole collection,
but we wanted to create something unique ….
I was presenting some of Asia Gwis work on the blog here : Asia Gwis already in 2011
Her playful drawings always appealed to us and that’s why we were so happy when agreed,

Welcome into a magic world of unique little animals playing with Rafa-kids’ furniture. 
We would like to take you into an exited journey  so please Go…and Enjoy ! 

Rafa-kids’ inspiration book will also be available in a PRINT version 
and ready to be taken at Maison & Object Paris fair in September 2015. 
We are preparing much more surprises for you - so Stay tuned!

Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis/photos Rafa-kids
F&R set for two kids from Rafa-kids NEW > LOOKBOOK no.1
X stool from Rafa-kids NEW > LOOKBOOK no.1
Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis/photos Rafa-kids
Rafa-kids NEW LOOKBOOK no.1  graphic /Asia Gwis/photos Rafa-kids

design : Asia Gwis /kawkadesign
 © Rafa-kids

Monday, 13 July 2015

children room's at thesocialitefamily

photos credits : Constance

thesocialitefamily  - photos credits : Constance
thesocialitefamily  - photos credits : Constance
beautiful nursery thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari

A little bicycle in the middle of a living room, collection of tiny shoes in the corridor, a wall display with all the family’s photos….small traces of children’s presence at home.  What a pity I hardly ever see it in the magazines and blogging world. Mostly we have blogs dedicated to interior deco or to kids deco separatelly….I don’t really understand why this two interior styles seem to be separated so often. Thesocialitefamily blog, which I like so much, is a wonderful example that this two worlds belong to each other and can create a real , fascinated modern family houses. Constance Gennari takes us into some unique places : 

“ The Socialite Family offers a new perspective on home design and the lifestyle of contemporary families. Whether in Paris, London, New York or Milan, these families all share their unique vision on how to harmonise family life and interior design.” 

modern family house - thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
living with children - thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
living with children - thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
children's rooms at thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
children's rooms at thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
children's rooms at thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari
children's rooms at thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari

photos credits : Constance

children's rooms at thesocialitefamily blog - photo Constance Gennari

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital

Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital
Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital

Visiting hospital with our child is one of the experience we wish to avoid. In my architect’s practice, few years ago I was having a chance to work on a transformation of an old children’s hospital into a friendly place for the little patients and their parents. We have had many meetings with the staff, listening their needs and requests. It was very moving experience for me. The final effect wasn’t so spectacular as the Royal Children’s Hospital I’m showing you, but it was simple and colourful too. 

I think it is very important to spread the good examples of how to create such a spaces. Jane Reiseger, an artist from Australia, was working on this project for an entire year! I really adore the world she has created in her drawings, with animals and floral patterns. Children like nature so much and sometimes during a long stay at the hospital, they miss the fresh air and playing outside the most. I wish investors/architects to put effort into creating such a beautiful and children friendly hospital interiors. 

Royal Children’s Hospital
Royal Children’s Hospital
Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital
Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital

Jane Reiseger drawing for Royal Children’s Hospital

Monday, 6 July 2015

Rafa-kids desk in boy's room - Australia

Rafa-kids’ desk in a boy’s room - Australia
Rafa-kids’ desk in a boy’s room - Australia
Rafa-kids’ desk in a boy’s room - Australia

We were so excited to see this amazing kids’ workspace created by Jacinda Malloy with Rafa-kids’ K desk! Jacinda is an Australian interior designer, sharing her work and inspiration on her website Hidesleep.  This unique room belongs to Benij, who lives with his parents and two twin brothers in Malvern, Victoria. Can you guess what is his favourite color ? of course …Blue. The pin board next to Rafa-kids’ desk gives the space such a fresh splash of colour.  The rug with a strong pattern complets this cosy and modern space. Pin board is custom made by Alandem.  There is more custom made elements in Benij’s room. The hand painted compass on the wall is hand painted by artist Jane Reiseger. Jecinda’s aim was to create a boy’s room with meaningful elements for him. Benij is interested in the world, travel and learning. All the little elements make this space unique and reflect his personality. 
You can read and see all the story of this lovely  room ( and much much more )  in Mintymagazine : 

Boy's room created by Jacinda Malloy - Hidesleep
Boy's room created by Jacinda Malloy - Hidesleep
Boy's room created by Jacinda Malloy - Hidesleep in Mintymagazine - Australia
Boy's room created by Jacinda Malloy - Hidesleep in Mintymagazine - Australia
Boy's room created by Jacinda Malloy - Hidesleep in Mintymagazine - Australia
photo’s : redrabbitphotography

Friday, 3 July 2015

Les enfants du design magazine - Summer 2015

 “ Les Enfants du Design “ magazine - Summer 2015
Room of April , daughter of Sophie , owner of “ Les Enfants du Design “ store
Room of April , daughter of Sophie , owner of “ Les Enfants du Design “ store

Rafa-kids is glad to have a long relation with Les Enfants du Design store in France.  We received a first letter from Sophie Edeine (owner of the store) almost 3 years ago, when Rafa-kids was just a few months old brand. We are thankful to receive support from such a beautiful store. During these years there were up and downs -  believe me, but that’s a part of growing together. 
Yesterday I received a link to their new

and skim through pages with excitement. The Les Enfants du Design “  is such a unique place to get inspiration and to shop design objects for our kids.  In the 1st issue of the magazine ( which is now only in French - but in 10 days will be also in English  ) we can meet the lovely family of Sophie and Thomas Edeine and their 3 kids. The room of little April is just so absolutely adorable. I just wished to see their whole house! Interviews , well selected design and contemporary products for kids…with a personal and well curated hand of Sophie. Well done! 
 “ Les Enfants du Design “ magazine - Summer 2015

 “ Les Enfants du Design “ magazine - Summer 2015

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

white & soft

white toddler bed from rafa-kids limited edition

Welcome the first day of July
Our kids enjoy the warm weather and counting days till school holidays…..we still have one week to go! I've already changed our summer sheets and they are all so beautify WHITE. 
Do you like to sleep in white?
It feels so good and fresh during such a hot days. Rafa-kids has a beautiful linen collection perfect for this season. All the duvets are sold out at the moment but good news is that next week we are expecting a new delivery ! Please also welcome little blue pillow made from linen with cotton. When I saw it for the first time it just brought me into mood of summer days…white and blue are for me the perfect match for this season. ..and the last one - Rafa-kids’ R toddler bed in WHITE. Minimal and sophisticated, we have only few in stock at the moment. 
Let's hope that July will be a magnificent Month! 

slepping in linnen
white toddler bed from rafa-kids limited edition
linen and cotton new pillow in rafa-kids collection
linen and cotton new pillow in rafa-kids collection
on the pictures :