Monday, 4 July 2016

Ask Rafa - Giveaway

giveaway rafa-kids

Yes, July is here.  We have 3 weeks to go till our Summer break and holiday time for our family…
It is not easy to keep working when the holiday mood is all around and all seams slowing down, 
don’t you feel it ?  I hope you are still here and would like to play with us? 

Let’s have some fun and do a simple Giveaway. 
You can win this cute little pillow called Pantomime from our collection. Our giveaway is worldwide and is very simple to enter. Please visit Rafa-kids Instagram and leave a comment with question for Rafa-kids  #askrafa. If you prefer to comment below this post it is also fine.

Question? Yes. 
Would you like to know something special about Rafa-kids brand ? How we started or what inspires us? Perhaps would you like to know something about me, Agata? A person behind this blog? Well….I’m here for a small interview and will answer all your questions. To thank you for your time and effort I will select 1, 2 or maybe even 3 people to get this little quirky pillow. Good luck!

giveaway rafa-kids

giveaway rafa-kids
giveaway rafa-kids